Climbing Gym Rules
Liquid Chalk Only. No other chalk is permitted.
Everyone who stands on the bouldering pad must have a completed waiver on file.
Everyone must check in before using the gym
Parents, Guardians or Coaches must supervise children under 14 at all times. No unsupervised drop-offs will be allowed.
No climbers under 5 years old allowed in the gym at any time.
Be aware of climbers above you and do not walk underneath them.
Wear a shirt.
No street shoes on the pads or walls.
No climbing shoes in the bathrooms, because... ewww.
Be kind and respectful of other gym users. Their safety is your responsibility.
No running, rough-housing, horseplay, distracting noises, or yelling.
Whenever possible, use downclimbing holds instead of jumping.
No bouldering under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
No food or drink on the bouldering pads. Water bottles with secure tops are permitted off the pads.
All participants must agree to follow all gym rules, policies, and instructions provided by staff.
Kids must be 14 or older to use the weight room