The Big Whitney Meadow Loop is a 25-mile route that explores the open expanses of the northern Golden Trout Wilderness. Download a FREE map of the route on our web site.
Distance: 25.5 miles
Elevation gain: 3,362 feet
Location/Trailhead: Horseshoe Meadows (west of Lone Pine)
Time of year: May/June
Description: From the Horseshoe Meadows parking lot, take the Trail Pass trail up to Trail Pass and then down to Mulkey Meadow. Take the northern fork of the trail to continue on through Bullfrog Meadow and then down to Tunnel Meadow. At elevation 8,950, turn right on the signed trail that heads north along Golden Trout Creek to Big Whitney Meadow. Cross the northern part of Big Whitney Meadow by staying RIGHT at each trail junction, and take this trail all the way up to Cottonwood Pass. Descend back to Horseshoe Meadows.
Many thanks to Linda Emerson for the pics and description!!